
Monday, October 5, 2015

"Can you be a good parent?"

“Do you think you can be good parents without any knowledge?” I strongly think that most people could not answer this question with confidence. A majority of people may see online, parents ask basic knowledge about their children. For that reason, a parental education class should be legally required because it gives right knowledge of child caring, helps married couples relationship and reduces child abuse.

First of all, we often could hear about children’s tragic accidents caused by parents’ lack of childcare knowledge these days on the News such as ‘Mother killed baby for her reckless child care skills’. For example, I watched a TV show called “Oh My Baby”. A father with three years old baby girl grabbed her feet and held her upside down and started to shake her. After a doctor watched and warned the father not to ever do it again in order to protect her fragile toddler brain.

Secondly, when two different people start to live together, they may well have arguments between each other. In addition, It is very different roles between couples and wife or husband. When they become parents, they considerably would take more responsibilities in order to lead a family. For those reasons, parents will have a lot of stresses and different opinions. So that couples' misunderstandings are piled up. Moreover, they have no idea to how to solve relationship between them to start over and understanding each other. That could end up to divorced and become single parents.

Lastly, according to Ministry of Health and Welfare, 80 percent of  child abusers are parents.
Most parents do not intend to hurt their children. They may simply not have known how to care of their own children. Nevertheless, if parents attend the parental training, they would learn how to love their children and to communicate with them. On the other hand, if parents could not aware of their roles then they would easily end up child abuse. If the violence intensity persists, children would be scarred by unforgettable emotional heart wounds.

To sum up, if we would not take a good education on parenting or whatsoever, we could not be aware of danger signals by our children. Anyone who has irreplaceable sons and daughters or begins to have own family as couples,  should need to know how to care of children right-mindedly, overcome a marital discord and do not cause irreversible damage to the relationship between you and your children.

1 comment:

  1. I strongly agree with this because there are many people especiallly people who are from old generations, donot care about knowledge of parening and because of their own experiences of child nurturing they became careless.
